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Jorge Andrade in residence

Workshops at Mercy College Camperdown

"The performing Arts workshops offered to our learners were some of the most memorable classes to date! Evidence of their success has been clear in the enthusiastic inclusion of significant numbers of learners who are now contributing to a range of roles in the school production!"


 Teacher reflection

Timberly Williams

Community storytelling workshop at Lismore

“It was great, we used one of the techniques in our writing group, re-telling from different viewpoints, we learnt a lot. The workshop would be worth running again.”


– Participant reflection

Another Day of Life at Lismore Golf Club/Fairway Café

“Exposure to other cultures and enjoyable shared experience with other members of the community”


“A wonderful opportunity to experience diversity and inclusiveness and to learn about the world. Good fun and delicious.”


– Audience reflections


Timberly Williams

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